Invoicing Tab

How do I get here? Customers Menu ► Search ► Select Account ► Account Settings ► Invoicing
Orders Menu ► Search ► Select Order ► Invoicing

The purpose of this tab is used to control invoicing and general billing settings for the account. Its primary goal is to determine:

-- WHO receives the invoice
-- WHAT kind of invoice will be generated for the customer
-- WHEN the invoice will be generated for the customer
-- HOW the invoice will be delivered to the customer

Settings on this tab can also control other items such as account level fees, rules for tax exemptions and rules for applying finance charges. Invoice Settings include:

  • Billing Cycle
  • LD Exception Codes
  • Call File Settings
  • Account Level Fee Minutes
  • Invoice Reports
  • Email Billing Settings
  • Email Template Settings
  • Invoice Messages
  • Fixed Charges and Minimums
  • Tax Exempt Flags
  • Finance Charge Settings
  • Toll Free Storage Fees

Be sure to review the Invoicing Data Field Definitions for complete details regarding the items above

Security Customer Module
Taxing Impact Tax Exemption Flags
Commission Impact N/A
Data Field Definitions View Here

Invoicing Tab - All new customers are assigned the default Invoicing Options once the Customer Information is saved. Invoicing information should be reviewed to ensure that all system Defaults are set as desired for the account.

Standard Account View:


Corporate Account View: